Wall Geckos or house geckos as it is called in some quarters are a common pest that can be found in most Nigerian homes. Wall geckos are often found on the walls of buildings hence their names. Despite all the negative stories associated with geckos they still serve some purpose in that they can help control cockroaches and bugs around the home as these are their major. While Wall geckos are not harmful, poisonous or dangerous, they can be a source of discomfort to us, just through their mere presence.
Wall Geckos are not in themselves harmful to human by nature, neither are they poisonous or dangerous. However geckos like other pests pose a health challenge as they leave behind their droppings and also transfer bacteria as they crawl from one place to another. The problem occurs when they begin slipping their way indoors, crawling up walls, under appliances and leaving behind their droppings. Note that unlike rodents geckos can be found in any house whether clean or dirty.
The first step in getting rid of wall geckos in your home or office space is to be sure you are dealing with a wall gecko and not a lizard. Both of them look alike in such a way that wall geckos are often called house lizard. though it can be said that all wall geckos are lizards, the reverse is not the case. Wall Geckos naturally have a scaly skin with a long tail that can detach and regrow. Wall Geckos are also known to change their colors to adapt to their environment but the main difference between a common lizard and a common house gecko is that geckos do not have eyelids, therefore they cannot blink and have to lick their eye to clean them. Wall geckos also make chirping sounds unlike lizards. These sounds are used for communication among themselves.
One major sign that tells wall geckos around is their black or brown droppings with a white tip. These fecal droppings can stain carpets, drapes and curtains around the house. An even clearer sign is if you see one crawling up your wall! You can use the picture above to identify them. Geckos are nocturnal animals so you might not see one in your house but you can hear it bark or chirp during the night. They are usually found in kitchens and pantries where food is prepared and stored or on walls and corners.