where to dry clean your suit in Lagos

With a Great Suit Comes Great Responsibility. Dry cleaning your suits frequently can actually reduce their lifespan due to the chemical process involved.  If your suit needs to be cleaned, then take it to a professional suit cleaner – one with a good reputation and that is committed to excellent customer service.

Here at Cleaneat, we want you to get the most value out of your suit investment. Here are a few easy tips for care and maintenance to prolong the lifetime of your suit while keeping you looking awesome!

  • Repeat after us, ‘Do not over dry clean your suit!’ This will shorten the life of your suit dramatically. You only want to dry clean your suit 1-2 times a year max.
  • Never put your suit away if it is damp; damp clothes in dark places could lead to mold and mildew issues.
  • Always hang your suit on a good-quality suit hanger. Using the wrong hanger could cause the shoulders on your jacket to pucker or cause the shoulder pads to become misshapen. If you remove your jacket at work have a second hanger there so you don’t end up throwing it over the back of your chair.
  • Remove your belt and empty the pockets to avoid stretching or creasing.
  • Never store your suit long-term in one of our plastic poly bags; they are only intended to protect the garment during transport. Leaving your suit in one of our poly bags long-term could cause moisture to become trapped, leading to mildew issues.
  • Our rule of thumb is: steam your suit, but never iron. This goes for shirts, suits, pants, and absolutely everything. Ironing causes the fibers in fabric to break down much more quickly than steaming your garments. You don’t need a big steamer: there are plenty of great hand held personal steamers you can find for a reasonable price, and ultimately the expense will pay for itself when your garments last longer.
  • Use a paper or cloth dust cover to keep dust from settling on the shoulders of the jacket.
  • Clean all pieces together to ensure a uniform appearance.

If you need your suit cleaned professionally, contact us on 08188400001. We offer laundry pick up and delivery services as well

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September 7, 2017
Professional suit cleaning
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